Lucinda Devlin Bio

Biografie von Lucinda Devlin

* 1947 in Ann Arbor, MI
Lebt und arbeitet in Greensboro, NC





1971 Bachelor of Science in Englisch und Kunst an der Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI
1972 Graduate Studies in Photographie, School of the Art Institute, Chicago, IL
1974 Master of Fine Arts in Photographie an der Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI
Seit 1977 Lehrtätigkeiten für Fotografie, Geschichte der Fotografie an verschiedenen Universitäten


Ausgewählte Ausstellungen in der Galerie m Bochum
40 Years! Surveys with the Camera since 1977, 2018
Lake Pictures, 2015
Field Culture & Lake Pictures, 2011
Subterranea, 2008
Time is always now, 2007
Summertime, 2006
Grenzüberschreitung / Passing Boundaries, 2005
Weitere Serien/Other Series: Corporal Arenas, Habitats, Water Rites, 2001


Serien, seit
Pleasure Ground, 1977
Corporal Arenas, 1980
Habitats , 1985
The Omega Suites, 1991
Water Rites, 1999
Field Culture , 2005
Subterranea , 1980
Lake Pictures, 2010


Auszeichnungen und Preise
1978 Lightwork Photography Grant, Lightwork Visual Studies, Syracuse, NY

1979 Creative Artists in Public Service (CAPS) Fellowship, New York State Council on the Arts, NY
1982-83 Artists Project Grant, New York State Council on the Arts, with video artist John Orentlicher, NY
1990 The Photographers Fund, Center for Photography at Woodstock, NY.v
1991 NEA/Japan Fellowship Exchange, Alternate Finalist, Japan
1992 National Endowment for the Arts, Individual Artist Fellowship, Washington D.C.v Aaron Siskind Foundation, Individual Artist Fellowship, NY
1993 Artist Residency, LaNapoule Art Foundation and NEA, LaNapoule, Frankreich
1996 New York Foundation for the Arts, The Catalogue Project, NY
1999 Mississippi Arts Commission, Artist Grant, MS
Mississippi Institute of Arts and Letters, Photography Award, MS
Artist Residency, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), Berlin, Deutschland
2001 LeadAward, Akademie Bildsprache, Hamburg, Deutschland
2007 Efroymson Contemporary Art Fellowship, IN


Werke in öffentlichen Sammlungen
Kunstsammlung NRW (Sammlung Ackermans), Düsseldorf
DZ Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main
m Bochum Kunstvermittlung, Bochum
SIC! Stavanger International Collection Norway
Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, Frankreich
The Alexander Art Hotel, Indianapolis, IN
Indiana State Museum, Indianapolis, IN
Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, IN
Snite Museum of Art, University of Notre Dame, IN
Birmingham Museum of Art, AL
Center for Creative Photography, Tucson, AZ
Center for Photography, Woodstock, NY
Edgewater Development Corporation, Syracuse, NY
Lightwork, Syracuse, NY
Guggenheim Museum, NY
Picker Art Gallery, Colgate University, Gary M. Hoffer Memorial Collection, NY
Whitney Museum of Art, NY
Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, VA
Houston Museum of Art, Houston, TX
Library of Congress, Washington, DC
Milwaukee Art Museum, WI
Mint Museum, Charlotte, NC
National Museum of Photography, Film and Television, Bradford, UK
Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach, FL
Photographic Archives, University of Louisville, KY
Princeton University Art Museum, Aaron Siskind Foundation Fellowship Collection, NJ
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art


Einzelausstellungen (Auswahl)
Lucinda Devlin – Frames of Reference, Die Photograpische Sammlung/SK Stiftung Kultur, Köln
40 Years! Surveys with the Camera since 1977, Galerie m, Bochum
Lucinda Devlin. Sightlines, George Eastman Museum, Rochester, NY
Lucinda Devlin: Sightlines, Weatherspoon Art Museum, Greensboro
Lake Pictures , Galerie m Bochum
Field Cultures & Lake Pictures, Galerie m Bochum
The Omega Suites, Haggerty Museum of Art, Wisconsin
The Omega Suites, Centre de la photographie, Genève
The Omega Suites, Transit Art Space, Skansekaien, Stavanger, Norwegen
Subterranea, Galerie m Bochum
The Omega Suites, Saarlandmuseum, Saarbrücken
The Omega Suites, Bell Gallery, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
The Omega Suites, The Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford Connecticut
The Omega Suites, Goethe Institut Hongkong
Water Rites, Museum Kurhaus Kleve (Kat.)
The Omega Suites, Center for Creative Photography, Tucson, AZ
The Omega Suites, Ludwig Museum im Deutschherrenhaus, Koblenz (Kat.)
Pleasure Ground, Corporal Arenas, The Omega Suites, Indianapolis Museum of Art, IN (Folder)
The Omega Suites, SoFA Gallery Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Pleasure Ground, Bibliotheque National, Paris (Kat.)
The Omega Suites, Johnson County Community College Art Gallery, Kansas City, MO
Weitere Serien/Other Series: Corporal Arenas, Habitats, Water Rites, Galerie m Bochum Fotografie, Bochum
Neue Photoserien: Habitats, Corporal Arenas, Pleasure Ground, Brotfabrik, Berlin
The Omega Suites. Water Rites, daad Galerie, Berliner Künstlerprogramm, Berlin (Kat.)
The Omega Suites, Paul Rodgers 9/W, New York, NY
The Omega Suites, Erpis Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Un-Räume, (The Omega Suites), Galerie m, Bochum
The Omega Suites, Stills Gallery, Edinburgh, Schottland
The Omega Suites, Museum of Art, University of Southern Mississippi, MS
The Omega Suites, Fotofeis ’95, Aberdeen Art Gallery and Museum, Scotland Invited Artist (Kat.)
The Omega Suites, Tartt Gallery, Washington D.C.
The Omega Suites, Gallery TPW, Toronto, Kanada
The Omega Suites, The Photographer’s Gallery, Saskatoon, Kanada
The Omega Suites, Blue Sky Gallery, Portland, OR (Kat.)
The Omega Suites, Menschel Gallery, Syracuse, NY, (Kat.)
Lucinda Devlin – Fotografias, (Pleasure Ground), Centro Colombo Americano, Medellin, Kolumbien
Lucinda Devlin – Color Photographs, (Corporal Arenas, Pleasure Ground, Habitats), The Photography Gallery, Harbour Front, Toronto
Pleasure Ground, Photo Gallery, Tyler School of Art, Philadelphia, PA
Lucinda Devlin, Colour Photographs, Photospace, Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, IL
Pleasure Ground, Northlight Gallery, Arizona State University, Tempe, AR
Pleasure Ground, Bell Gallery, Brown University, Providence, RI
Pleasure Ground, Centro Colombo Americano, Bogota, Kolumbien
Pleasure Ground, Pittsburgh Filmmakers Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA
Pleasure Ground, Chicago Center for Contemporary Photography, Chicago, IL
Metropolitan State College, Denver, CO


Naturen, Galerie m, Bochum
Antipoden, Galerie m, Bochum
Atmen, Hamburger Kunsthalle
Galerie m | 3. Mai 1969 – 3. Mai 2019
LAND__SCOPE. Fotoarbeiten von Roni Horn bis Thomas Ruff aus der DZ BANK Kunstsammlung, Münchner Stadtmuseum
Still Water. Politiken des Wassers, Hospitalhof, Stuttgart
Hopes of Paradise, Galerie m, Bochum
Sguardo di Donna | Through Women’s Eyes, Casa dei Tre Oci, Venedig
DARK! (The Omega Suites), Zentrum für Internationale Lichtkunst, Unna
Über Wasser. Malerei und Photographie von William Turner bis Olafur Eliasson (Lake Pictures), Bucerius Kunst Forum, Hamburg
Schlaflos – Das Bett in Geschichte und Gegenwartskunst (The Omega Suites), 21er Haus, Wien
Landschaft als Dekolleté – Fenster als Element und Metapher, Kunst- und Kulturstiftung Opelvillen Rüsselsheim
Farbe Form Fotografie Fläche. Abstrakte Tendenzen in der künstlerischen Fotografie, (Lake Pictures), DZ Bank Kunstsammlung, Frankfurt am Main
Yes Naturally. How Art saves the World, (Subteranea), Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, NL
Religion & Riten, Art Foyer der DZ BankKunstsammlung, Frankfurt am Main
Play it again, Sam, Galerie m, Bochum
Haunted: Contemporary Photography/Video/Performance, Guggenheim Bilbao
Auf die Plätze. Die Sportausstellung, (Water Rites), Deutsches Hygiene Museum, Dresden
Come in!, Art Foyer der DZ Bank, Frankfurt
DEAD_Lines, (The Omega Suites), Von der Heydt Kunsthalle, Wuppertal-Barmen
Out of Control, Biennial of Photography and Visual Arts in Liège
Broken Lines, (The Omega Suites), Anna Klinkhammer Galerie, Düsseldorf
Exposed. Voyeurism, Surveillance, and the Camera Since 1870, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA)
Last Gaze, Konferenz an der Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig
Zeitgenössische Kunst aus Deutschland und China, (The Omega Suites), Wuhan Museum of Fine Arts, China
Ausstellung anlässlich des Prix BMW während der Paris Photo
Rendez-vous mit dem Realen. Die Spur des Traumas in der Kunst, Kunstsammlungen der Ruhr Universität Bochum, Campusmuseum, Bochum
Under Pain of Death – contemporary art on an ongoing reflection, (The Omega Suites), Austrian Cultural Forum, New York 2007/2008
exitus – tod alltäglich, (The Omega Suites), Künstlerhaus Wien
Töten. (The Omega Suites), Zeitraumexit, Mannheim
Die Liebe zum Licht. Fotografie im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert, (The Omega Suites), Museum Bochum
Zum Sterben schön! Der Tod in der Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts, (The Omega Suites), Kunsthalle Recklinghausen
A Place Without a place, (The Omega Suites), Thessaloniki Museum of Photography, Griechenland
Death Bizarr, (The Omega Suites), The Centre of Photography at Woodstock, New York
sublime. Werke aus der Sammlung der DZ Bank, Evangelische Stadtakademie, Frankfurt am Main
Summertime, Galerie m, Bochum
Shelter, (The Omega Suites), Nationalgalerie, Berlin
Home: Living with Contemporary Art, Indianapolis Museum of Contemporary Art
Der verletzbare Körper – Ein anderer Blick auf den menschlichen Körper, Forum für Fotografie, Köln
Disco: A Decade of Saturday Nights, (Pleasure Ground), The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, Lincoln Center, NY
The Exonerated, Made for Court TV production of the play starring Susan Sarandon, Brian Dennehy, Danny Glover, Delroy Lindo, Aiden Quinn (12 images from The Omega Suites appear throughout the production)
Duty of Delight: Dontemporary Art and Rhetoric of Power, The Center of Contemporary Art, Louisville, Kentucky
La alegría de mis sueña, (Water Rites), 1. Bienal de Arte Contemporáneo de Sevilla (Kat.)
Nicéphore + 164, (The Omega Suites), Clermont Ferrand, Frankreich
Andy Warhol: Commodities, Celebrities, Death and Disaster, (The Omega Suites), Salina Art Center, Salina, Kansas
M_ARS, Kunst und Krieg, (The Omega Suites), Neue Galerie Graz am Landesmuseum Joaneum, Österreich (Katalog)
Todesstrafe, Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, (The Omega Suites), Historisches Museum Luzern, Schweiz (Kat.)
töten, (The Omega Suites), Evangelische Stadtakademie Frankfurt
Lucinda Devlin Corporal Arenas und Peter Hendricks Sehsüchtig Sehnsüchtig,Darmstädter Sezession, Mathildenhöhe, Darmstadt (Kat.)
The Omega Suites, Encontros da Imagem, Braga, Portugal (Kat.)
No Exit: Images of Imprisonment, (The Omega Suites), San Francisco Camerawork, CA
The Culture of Violence, (The Omega Suites), University Gallery, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
Formal/Social, (The Omega Suites, Pleasure Ground), Kunstverein Münster (Kat.)
GewaltBilder – Gewalt in der Gegenwartskunst, (The Omega Suites), Museum Bellerive, Zürich, Schweiz und: Kunstraum Quartier 21, Wien, Österreich (Kat.)
Pleasure Ground, 25th Biennale Sao Paolo, Brasilien (Kat.)
3ter Umbau – Schrägspur, (The Omega Suites), Hamburger Kunsthalle
Krokodil und Schwein, Fotosafari in der Großstadt, (Habitats), Kunstsammlungen Cottbus (Kat.)
Excess, (Pleasure Ground), Palm Beach Institute of Contemporary Art, Lake Worth, Florida
AUBES Rêveries au bord de Victor Hugo, (The Omega Suites), Maison de Victor Hugo, Paris (Kat.)
In Cold Blood, (The Omega Suites), Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art, State University of New York, New Paltz, NY
Art of Wellbeing – The Asthetics of Recreation, (Water Rites), artForum, Merano, Italien (Kat.)
In A Lonely Place, (The Omega Suites), National Museum of Photography, Bradford, Großbritannien (Kat.)
Plateau of Mankind, (The Omega Suites), Venice Biennale, Venedig (Kat.)
Landschaft in der zeitgenössischen Fotografie. Aus der Sammlung der DG Bank (Habitats), Landesmuseum, Oldenburg
Katastrophen und Desaster – Das Jahrhundert am Ende, (The Omega Suites), Museum Folkwang, Essen (Kat.)
Lucinda Devlin, Andreas Gursky, Candida Hofer: Räume, (The Omega Suites), Kunsthaus Bregenz, Bregenz, Österreich (Kat.)
Under/Exposed, (The Omega Suites), Stockholm Underground, Schweden (Kat.)
Matters of a Fine Wall, (The Omega Suites), Bakalar Gallery, Massachusetts College of Art, Boston
Discipline and Photography, (The Omega Suites), The Peace Museum, Chicago, IL (Kat.)
Photography In the 1990’s, (The Omega Suites), Wright State University Art Galleries, Dayton, Ohio (CD ROM Kat.)
Macht/OnMacht, (The Omega Suites), International Cultureel Centrum, Antwerpen, Belgien (Kat.)
Meta/Physics: Crossing Boundaries in Contemporary Photography, (The Omega Suites), DePree Art Center and Gallery, Hope College, Holland, MI (Kat.)
Crimes and Punishments, (The Omega Suites), Philadelphia Art Alliance, in Zusammenarbeit mit Prison Sentences, PA
Evidence of Death: Andres Serrano, Sophie Calle, Lucinda Devlin, James VanderZee, (The Omega Suites), The Light Factory, Charlotte, NC
Working With Tradition: The Academic Artist, (The Omega Suites), Burchfield Art Center, Buffalo, NY and The New York State Museum, Albany, NY (Kat.)
Medicine Body, (Corporal Arenas), University Galleries, Illinois State University, Bloomington, IL
Murder As Phenomena, (The Omega Suites), SF Camerawork, San Francisco, CA
Myth, Spirituality and Culture, (The Omega Suites), College Art Gallery, SUNY New Paltz, NY
Photographer’s Fund Recipients, (Pleasure Ground), Center for Photography, Woodstock, NY
Public Exposures: One Decade, (Pleasure Ground), Gallery TPW, Toronto, Kanada
Signs of Life, (Corporal Arenas), ArtLink, Fort Wayne, IN, Curator’s Choice Award
Cross Section, (Pleasure Ground), Ford Gallery, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI
Photograph As Document, ( Pleasure Ground), Downey Museum of Art, Downey, CA
Technological Simulations, Another Gallery, Syracuse, NY
Photo Environments: Real and Imagined, University of Northern Iowa Gallery of Art, Cedar Falls, IA
American Color, New Mexico State University Art Gallery, Las Cruces, NM (Ausst.-Tournee, Katalog)
Three Rivers Arts Festival, Art Institute of Pittsburgh, PA
New Developments, Contemporary American Photography, Louis K. Meisel Gallery, New York, NY
Personification of Space: Lucinda Devlin und Michelle Van Parys, (Pleasure Ground),Light Factory, Charlotte, NC
Artists of Central New York, Munson Williams Proctor Institute, Utica, NY (Kat.)
Pleasure Ground, Lightwork Gallery, Syracuse, NY, mit John Orentlicher
Lightwork, Photography Over the 70’s and 80’s, Everson Museum, Syracuse, NY Featured Artist (Kat.)
Cultural Engineering, National Gallery of Kanada, Ottawa, mit Tom Sherman, (Kat.)
CAPS Photography Award Show, Nikon House Gallery, New York, NY
Color Realism, Lightwork Gallery, Syracuse, NY
Everson Biennial, (Pleasure Ground), Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, NY
Seven from Syracuse, CEPA Gallery, Buffalo, NY
Refocus ’78, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IO, Prive
Southwest Center of Photography, Austin, TX (Exh.-Tour)
How America Lives, Midtown Y Gallery, New York, NY
Americana, Creative Eye Photo Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Photography and Language, Camerawork Gallery, San Francisco, CA
University of Michigan Art Gallery, Ann Arbor (mit Lynne Cohen) MI
Photography ’72, Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio


Bibliografie (Auswahl)
Exh. Cat.: Lucinda Devlin – Frames of Reference, Photographische Sammlung Sk Stiftung Kultur, Köln, mit Texten von Julia Sonnenfeld-Wurthmann, Gabriele Conrath-Scholl, Claudia Schubert, Interview Lisa Le Feuvre mit Lucinda Devlin, dt./engl.
Stremmel, Kerstin: Ars moriendi, in: Humboldt 150, 2008, (The Omega Suites)
Johnson, Ken: Sanctioned Killings, and the Very Many That Aren’t, in: New York Times, 1. Februar, 2008 (TOS), and Exit Magazine #29, „Peep Show“, Spain (PG)
Weil, Elizabeth: The Needle and the Damage Done, in: The New York Times Magazine, 11.02.2007 (Omega Suites)
Grozs David, „Depicting an ugly America“, The New York Sun, Aug. 24, 2006
Baker, RC, „Bipolar“, The Village Voice, July 13, 2006
Picnic Magazine (TOS), Mexico City, Mexico
Szeemann, Harald: Water Rites, Ausst.-Kat La alegría de mis sueña, 1. Bienal de Arte Contemporáneo de Sevilla (cat.)
The Face of Human Rights, (The Omega Suites), Lars Muller Publishers, Switzerland Sept.
„Topic Magazine, #5: Prison“, New York, NY March 2004 (portfolio of 8 images from The Omega Suites)
British Journal of Photography, Sept., (WR)
Still Life, (The Omega Suites) Ellipsis Series, Volume Three, Ffotogallery, Stoke-on-Trent, UK
Exh.-Cat.: Todesstrafe, Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, Historisches Museum Luzern, Switzerland
Exh.-Cat.: M_ARS, Kunst und Krieg, Neue Galerie Graz, Landesmuseum Joaneum, Austria
Mackenzie, Michael: Embleme des Heilens., (dt./engl.) in: Water Rites, Susanne Breidenbach (Hg.), Galerie m Bochum Fotografie und Steidl Verlag, Göttingen, Germany
Regener, Susanne: Orte ohne Menschen – Menschen ohne Orte. Fotografien von Lucinda Devlin und Peter Hendricks, (dt./engl.) Exh.-cat.: Darmstädter Sezession, Mathildenhöhe, Darmstadt, Germany>
Exh.-Cat.: The Culture of Violence, University Gallery, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
Exh.-Cat.: Pleasure Ground, 25th Biennale Sao Paolo, Brazil
Exh.-Cat.: Power, Casino Luxemburg, Forum d’art contemporain, Luxemburg
Exh.-Cat.: AUBES Rêveries au bord de Victor Hugo, Maison de Victor Hugo, Paris, France
Exh.-Cat.: GewaltBilder – Gewalt in der Gegenwartskunst, Museum Bellerive, Zurich, Switzerland
Plath, Carina: formal social, und
Beausse, Pascal: Falsche Journalisten, Ausst.-Kat.: Kunstverein Münster, Germany Exh.-Cat.: Encontros da Imagem, Braga, Portugal
Schliebe, Carmen: Krokodil und Schwein, Fotosafari in der Großstadt, Exh.-Cat.: Kunstsammlungen Cottbus
Mackenzie, Michael: Lucinda Devlins Transformed World, Exh.-Folder: Pleasure Ground, Corporal Arenas, The Omega Suites, Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, IN
Exh.-Folder: Servon, Jody; Canthal, Sybille: Excess, Palm Beach Institute of Contemporary Art, Lake Worth,, FL, September/November
Arbaizar, Philippe: L’art de la description, in: Exh.-cat.: Pleasure Ground, Bibliotheque National, Paris, France
Graeve, Inka: The Omega Suites, Exh.-cat.: Plateau of Mankind, (iatl./engl.) 49thVenice Biennale, Venice, Italy
Henry, Patrick: In A Lonely Place, Ausst.-Kat., National Museum of Photography, Film & Television, Bradford, Großbritanien
The Omega Suites, STERN Magazin, Nr. 19, Hamburg, Deutschland, 3. Mai
Exh.-Cat.: Art and Wellbeing – The Aesthetics of Recreation, Kunsthaus Meran – Merano Art, Italien
Liebmann, Lisa: The Best of 2001, Art Forum, NY, December
Amy, Michael: The Omega Suites, Ausst.-Folder: Gallery of Art, Johnson County Community College, Kansas City, MO
Vignold, Michael: Künstliche Höllen, Exh.-cat.: Katastrophen und Desaster – Das Jahrhundert am Ende, Museum Folkwang Essen, Germany
Breidenbach, Susanne (Hg.): The Omega Suites, Text: Barbara Rose: Clean Death, (dt./engl.), m Fotografie, Bochum und Steidl Verlag, Göttingen, Germany
Ziegler, Ulf Erdmann: The Omega Suites: Mit dem Töten zu leben, in: Fotografische Werke, DuMont, Köln, Germany, also in:
Exh.-Cat.: Lucinda Devlin, Andreas Gursky, Candida Höfer, Kunsthaus Bregenz, Österreich
Devlin, Lucinda: The Omega Suites, Die Zeit Magazin, Hamburg, Germany, Nr. 16, 8. April
Exh.-Cat.: Discipline and Photography, The Peace Museum, Chicago, IL
Exh.-Cat.: Macht/OnMacht, Internationaal Cultureel Centrum, Antwerpen, Belgium
Exh.-Cat.: META/PHYSICS: Crossing Boundaries in Contemporary Photography, DePree Art Center and Gallery, Holland, MI
Festival cat.: fotofeis, International Festival of Photography in Scotland, Aberdeen, Scottland, October
Der Spiegel: Artikel mit Abbildungen “The Omega Suites“, Hamburg, Germany
Soe, Valerie: Urban Outfitters and Gallery Gun Control, Afterimage, Rochester, NY, February
Murder As Phenomena, Camerawork, San Francisco, CA, Autumn Bd. 19, Nr. 2
Exh.-Cat.: The Omega Suites, Nr. 29, Menschel Gallery, Syracuse, NY
Nature vs Human Nature, Views, TPW, Toronto, Kanada, February Bd. 7, Nr. 1
Exh.-Cat.: American Color, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM

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